Rummage Sale is More Than a Sale…

Rummage Sale went great! There were more shoppers than in the past. Also, there was a lot more stuff!

People were all very excited about what they were buying and what they found. One man was so grateful that he found a good deal on a microwave as he needed one and had been looking. The Rummage Sale is as much about the net cash brought in as it is about that fact that someone needed a microwave but couldn’t afford a new one and found one for $7. This is a big part of this project.

  • Rummage Sale sold $2,829 in items to the community with minimal expenses involved.

  • Unsold clothes went to Sedgefield Elementary, and Sumner Elementary for their clothes closet.

  • Bob’s Closet picked up supplies for the cloths closest for the refugees and others in need.

  • Unsold household items went given to Sedgefield Presbyterian for their rummage sale.

  • Unsold sheets and blankets were delivered to the Guilford County Animal Services.